Hard Landscaping Surfaces Drummartin

The term "hard" landscape is used by garden designers and landscape architects to define materials used for construction of a landscape design.

Hard landscape materials used are bricks, stones or rock, gravel, metal, outdoor furniture such as street lights, billboards, seats, etc.  Hard landscape surfaces may refer to paved areas such as sidewalks, streets, housing development and business complexes.  The features of the landscape include retaining walls, patios, fences, paving, railings and sidewalks.  Urban hardscape has larger features such as traffic islands or traffic circles and paved roads.

Construction of hard landscape involves hard wearing materials e.g. concrete, stones, metal or wood.  In Drummartin, most home owners have opted for landscape design that has nothing to do with plants design elements.  Soft landscaping surface e.g. plants requires a lot of care and maintenance.  When choosing the materials, you should consider a number of factors such as your budget, purpose of the landscape e.g. formal or informal, weather conditions and outdoor environment.

Features and Benefits

  • It is economical to install, maintain and repair.
  • Requires minimal maintenance such as painting the rails once in a long time.
  • The landscape is durable because the construction materials are hard wearing.
  • A well installed and maintained landscape is aesthetically pleasing.
  • The rails, walkways or pavement act as traffic cops because they attractively and clearly guide pedestrians where we have heavy movement such as campuses.
  • Landscape that has been installed using expensive and quality materials such as metal and well-designed wood or bricks which makes the property look classy and increases the market and monetary value.


Industry: Landscaping

Product: Hard Landscaping Surfaces

Suburb: Drummartin VIC 3570

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